Proudly supporting an award winning residential renovation project
A1 Choice Plumbing is proud to have been involved in a residential renovation that is award winning; specifically the 2018 Silver Finalist Tommies award. Thank you to our friends at Creative Touch Interiors Inc. for inviting us to work on this amazing project! The Cascia Drive…

A1 Choice Plumbing is proud to have been involved in a residential renovation that is award winning; specifically the 2018 Silver Finalist Tommies award. Thank you to our friends at Creative Touch Interiors Inc. for inviting us to work on this amazing project! The Cascia Drive Home was the second Silver Finalist in the category of Excellence in Residential Renovations.
A1 Choice Plumbing supported the project with the finishing renovations of the master bathroom.
To read more about this project take a look at the Cascia Drive Home.
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