Why You Should Have A Furnace Tune Up

Why You Should Have A Furnace Tune Up

After being outside in the brisk winter air, nothing beats coming back to a warm, cozy house. To stay comfortable during those long winter months, it is important that you have a fully functioning furnace. At A1Choice Plumbing, our experts recommend annual maintenance on your…

A1 choice plumbing west kelowna plumber furnace services

After being outside in the brisk winter air, nothing beats coming back to a warm, cozy house. To stay comfortable during those long winter months, it is important that you have a fully functioning furnace. At A1Choice Plumbing, our experts recommend annual maintenance on your furnace.

Here are three reasons why it’s important to tune up your furnace each year. 

1. Spot Potential Issues and Prevent Expensive Repairs

Because they have an in-depth understanding of all working parts, a professional can spot potential problems that could affect your furnace in the future. As with any complex machinery, regular inspection and maintenance are essential to ensure that no mechanism is malfunctioning. By scheduling an annual furnace tune up, you allow professionals to detect issues earlier, which will contribute to the longevity of your furnace and avoidance of costly repairs.

2. Maximize Furnace Efficiency

During furnace maintenance, a professional can assess various aspects of your home’s heating system. It is important to check whether all aspects of your furnace are operating at their full capacity to ensure the overall efficiency of your heating system. For example, the blower motor distributes the air throughout your home, but if it isn’t functioning correctly, then no warm air will be circulated through your vents. A professional can assess whether the blower motor is well maintained to keep your furnace is working as efficiently as possible. This is one example of the many ways a professional can keep your furnace working at maximum efficiency. Aside from an efficient furnace, there are also several strategies that you can do to reduce your heating bill.

3. Ensure Safe Operation

If your furnace isn’t working properly, it can become a hazard to your family. For example, a Carbon Monoxide (CO) leak can lead to extremely serious health effects, including death. Annual furnace tune ups allow professionals to spot even minor CO leaks and check safety controls. Other aspects of furnace maintenance, such as replacing air filters, are also important to keep your home free of air pollutants.

Contact our experts at A1Choice Plumbing to keep your furnace working safely and efficiently all winter long.


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